Garden Close-up This piece was started in my workshop with Elizabeth Busch. I quilted it with varigated thread and warm and natural batting, and floated it in an oak shadow box frame.
Your presentation does justice to the work – so often I feel that textile work is let down by not taking how it will look on a wall into account (arrgh, I’m going to get myself in trouble here, but I think wall display was the intention?) – thank you for sharing this image.
IMHO, this is a chef d’oeuvre! How far ahead is this in time from the traditional quilt! And surely as warming as well! Félicitations! Congratulations!
Hi Carol
I added your blog to the SAQA blog for Indiana/Ohio.
Let me know if this is ok to keep on.
Thanks Daren! Now I just need to post to it more often!
I keep looking at it. Must mean something. Really like it.
great piece!
love it.
Lovely work. Welcoe to the art quilter’s list!
Love these forms and color. Do you frame most of your textile works? Jen
Your presentation does justice to the work – so often I feel that textile work is let down by not taking how it will look on a wall into account (arrgh, I’m going to get myself in trouble here, but I think wall display was the intention?) – thank you for sharing this image.
IMHO, this is a chef d’oeuvre! How far ahead is this in time from the traditional quilt! And surely as warming as well!
Félicitations! Congratulations!
Alain (Sculptor) aka linstrumentiste