Wow, this is the first time I’ve uploaded an image without Hello or Picassa. And it was easy, if not a little slow.
This is an example of some of my mixed printing and fabric. The image is a woodcut print that I printed on several pieces of fabric, after I had printed the edition on paper. I’m thinking that I’ve used the block for printing maybe as much as I would like. I may now go back and use encaustics with the woodcut as the starting point. If it works, it might be a way to use those old blocks that I can’t just throw away.
I’m trying to finish a body of work for a show in August, so I’m really humming in the studio. I need to find time to work on my website and continue to post here. I must say that I like the ease of this new photo posting.
Ok, how did you upload an image without using Hello?? I’d love to know. I kept on trying this and nothing ever worked.