May in Black and White

The cooperative gallery that I belong to has issued a challenge for the month of May, to make work with the theme of Black and White. Now I have lived in Indianapolis for 26 years, and I still am taken by surprise when the traffic gets crazy and the checkered flags start to appear in the month of May. So the challenge for me has been to stay well away from the issue of the Indy 500 and really look at the design issues of black and white. It has been a good challenge.

I’ve been working on some discharge pieces, and everyone knows the difficulty of finding black that discharges to white. Word was that Walmart was the place. I try not to venture to Walmart very often-growing old in the long and tedious checkout lines is not my idea of a good time. Besides, the last few attempts found them to be out of black cotton fabric. Well, I hit the jackpot this week, and am cheerfully working on my 7 yards of black that really does discharge to white. When I get to the studio today, I’ll try to take a photo of my work in progress.


Well, today is the second day of spring, and I awoke to a hard frost. I always approach the change of season with mixed emotions. The cat part of me longs for sun and balmy weather, with bird and bug song filling the air. But the artist part of me is not ready to part with the stark bones of winter-the architecture of nature. Soon everything will be soft and lush and green, and I am not quite ready to give up on the browns, grays and beiges of bare trees and ornamental grasses. I have been sketching and taking photos of these sights, but still have to incorporate them into my work. Will it be fiber, or prints , or both combined? Maybe this it the start of my Tactile Architecture piece!?

Flights Of Art

It’s time to get onto the blog bandwagon. Flights of Art will be a studio journal, and hopefully a way of linking up with other artists working in the meduiums of fiber art and printmaking. Of course, I reserve the right to fly in any direction that appeals to me!