Time Flies If You’re Having Fun- OR NOT

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe how long it has been since I posted on this blog. It has been a long and deep artistic slump, and now I’m surfacing in time for the chaos of the holiday season. It seems that I run around in a manic, inspired way, and then fall silent into the inner workings of the pscyhe. I would think that spring would be the season of renewal, but for me it seems to be fall. I love to see the bare trees and wonderful grasses that I consider the ‘bones’ of the world.

I also have yet another (but wonderful) complication of a year round lake house in southwestern Michigan. I plan to stay up there for the month of January and my goal is to watch Paw Paw Lake freeze! It has been chaotic to try and work between home, lake home, home studio, and Indianapolis Art Center studio. Whew, I’m tired just thinking about it.

I also curate shows in the building where I have studio space- Next week I will be hanging a show by the members of Fiber Revolution. I will post more information in a day or two, and hopefully some installation pictures. Right now the art quilts are starting to be delivered to the Art Center’s main desk, so I have some packages to pick up.

Do look at the Gallery North on the Square website for some new pictures of newer work. And I will post some pictures soon! For now, I’ve broken the silence and I’m waiting for the flood.

One Reply to “Time Flies If You’re Having Fun- OR NOT”

  1. According to FedEx, my quilt arrived there yesterday, safe and sound. We lived in Terre Haute in the early 1970’s prior to moving to northern PA and now we’re in central NJ. I wasn’t even quilting back in those years…
    Will you be posting photos of the FR exhibit on line anywhere? I’ve bookmarked the art center/museum with hope of seeing something on their website. Thanks for all your work with the exhibit!

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