Wow Maggie!

I have just been to Maggie Hunt’s blog, scquiltadditct, and I am amazed at the outpouring of work that she has done!!! Lots of quick quilts for Katrina victims, wonderful crazy quilt amulet bags-wow! I am inspired. My response to the whole issue has been to go to bed. Don’t know if I’m down in the dumps, or if this is just the usual rythmn of my work. I was going great guns, getting shows up and new work done and now BANG I’m stalled. Seems no matter what I try to do, I can’t get started. Guess I need the nike ‘just do it’ mentality.

I also like Maggie’s quality control team-I have one of those, but they have to be banned from the sewing studio because the new cat, Jeffrey, likes to chew on wires. To date he has murdered the cable connection, two irons and two printer cables. He started nibbling on my sewing machine wires-out he goes. So that means the whole crew has to stay out.At least that means that I don’t have to race Penney(the cat) for my chair when I’m sewing.

So now, hopefully, I can use this great inspiration to get a move on. Thanks Maggie!

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